Right after Gold gave me his view of how the Microbes continue to create Methane at great depths in the earth’s crust under extreme pressure and heat, resulting in “fossil fuels”, I am now treated to a biological and spiritual education by Bruce H. Lipton PhD.

The University of A & W (see my blog), never seems to stop amazing me on the depth of the “professors” who assemble at 0600 hours, daily. The silent one, Jim Dahl, a Carpenter, presented a book to me that he suggested would be a “must read’ in THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF.

I will quote sections out of this book so that I do not misrepresent the scientific findings of Bruce who spent his career as a research cell biologist and academic, as he taught medical students. In many instances, Lipton and Gold are similar in that they are expressing themselves on subjects in which they are authorities but are not necessarily accepted by all.

I am impressed with both!

Page 159……….”I do not perceive God as a bearded old man on a throne in Heaven. To me God represents ‘All That Is,” the whole environment comprising the Universe. The cell engages in behavior when its brain, the membrane, responds to environmental signals. In fact functional protein in our body is made as a complementary “image” of an environmental signal. If a protein did not have a complementary signal to couple with, it would not function. This means………that every protein in our bodies is a physical/electromagnetic component to something in the environment. Because we are machines made out of protein, by definition we are made in the image of the environment. that environment being the Universe, or to many, God……”

I need to back up a bit and explain that as a Cell Biologist, Lipton got an understanding of cells that can be somewhat summarized as follows:

1. There are over fifty (50) trillion cells in our body
a. A million is 1,000 thousands (1,000,000)
b. A billion is a 1,000 million (1,000,000,000)
c. A trillion is a 1,000 billion (1,000,000,000,000)
d. So we now understand the magnitude of cells in our body as 50,000,000.000,000 plus
2. Each cell is now defined further by Lipton, Page 7……..”there is not one “new” function in our bodies that is not already expressed in a single cell. Virtually every eukaryote (nucleus-containing cell) possesses the functional equivalent of our nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, excretory system, digestive system, and even a primitive immune system, which utilizes a family of antibody-like “ubiquitin” proteins……..”
3. Each cell is encased in a membrane Page 45 “…….the true brain(of a cell EWV note) that controls cellular life – the membrane……..”
4. Page 53 “…….Cells possess a uniquely “tuned” receptor protein for every environmental signal that needs to be read. Some receptors respond to physical signals………Receptor “antennas” can also read. vibrational energy fields such as light, sound and radio frequencies…..Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces including thought……..”

To obtain a complete definition and scientific basis of how Lipton obtained his understanding, of course, one needs to read the book but now perhaps, I can continue on the “God Interpretation” of this book review.

Page 160 “…………Each cell’s unique set of identity receptors are located on the membrane’s outer surface, where the act like “antennas,” downloading complementary environmental signals…..”

Page 161 “…….Consider the human body as a television set. You are the image on the screen. But your image did not come from inside the television. Your identity i
s an environmental broadcast that was received by an antenna. One day you turn on the TV and the picture tube has blown out………..did the image die with the television set?…………..get another TV, plug it in, turn it on, and tune it to the station you were watching before………….the broadcast image is still on the air………..the physical television is the equivalent of a cell………When I fully understood this relationship I realized that my identity. my “self”, exists in the environment whether my body is here or not……..if my body dies and in the future a new individual is born who has the same exact set of identity receptors, the new individual will be downloading “me”……..My identity is a complex signature contained within the vast information that collectively comprises the environment….”

Lipton uses evidence to support his belief by using examples (on pages 161 and 162) as follows:

1. Clare Silvia developed a taste for beer, chicken nuggets, and motorcycles after her heart-lung transplant. When she talked to the donor’s family she found that the eighteen year old donor was a motorcycle enthusiast who love chicken nuggets and beer (see her book A Change of Heart)…….”….the accuracy of memories that accompany these transplants is beyond chance or coincidence……”
2. “……One young girl began having nightmares of being murdered after her heart transplant. Her dreams were so vivid that they led to the capture of the murderer who killed her donor…”
3. “……I do not believe cells are physically endowed with perception mechanisms that can distinguish and remember a taste for chicken nuggets. Psychological and behavioral memory does make sense if we realize that transplanted organs still bear the original identity receptors of the donor and apparently still downloading that same environmental information. Even though the body of the person who donated the organs is dead, their broadcast is still on………….the mechanics of the cellular membrane-immortal, as I believe we all are.

There is much more that has really educated me in this book that I would like to note here but I believe that my Readers may wish to read the book and take it from there to their own interpretation.

Written by Elmer Verigin February 10, 2015