Sometime ago I admitted that my heavy immersion into stress resulted in the greatest challenge to my health. This is a unique realization that most people recognize too late in life. Unfortunately, it is like my favorite analogy “when you find yourself up to your asshole in Alligators, suddenly you recall that on your ‘to-do’ list was to drain the swamp”.

I did write about my experience with Agoraphobia. My appeal to the Medical fraternity for help at that time became one where “take a Valium and you will feel better” was not an acceptable solution for me. I recognized that there was a “switch” which would be activated by my brain and once it was on, the entire sequence of the attack became a reality. So I worked on recognizing the conditions that I interpreted could be the causes and then I also developed a process to drift out of this condition. All these are in my previous blog and need not be repeated at this time.

Eventually, I was able to find “pathways” in my brain (see The Brain That Heals Itself) blog and for the past twenty years I have not suffered any attacks.

What did take over was Depression. Self-recognition of this result of continued stress is not always that easy but with informed reading and discussions with learned people, one starts to question himself along a professional quiz that is available and “Presto, Alaczam”, yes you fit the diagnosis.

Recognition is the first major step in one’s journey to deal withy this problem. The second step is to search for treatment. Pride and stubbornness are roadblocks to start the healing process.

If something hurts, the usual reaction is to remove the source of pain. In my instance it was to itemize all the possible sources and assess a rating on each to begin the process of correcting the situation by reducing them one by one. Not always is it possible to just remove yourself entirely as your source of income will be seriously affected. And so, it is not a “quick” solution.

Once the source(s) are removed, then one needs to decide how to treat this Depression. In my instance, I was finally able to discuss this condition with my Doctor. He was reasonably informed and recommended that I make an appointment with a Psychologist. Well, that alone, shocked me. How would I bring myself to take this action?

Reading many articles on Neuro-Science by noted Researchers made me aware that the brain has the ability to “heal” itself under certain conditions which are usually best achieved by Professionals in the field. Because of my success with Agoraphobia, I started the slow process of identifying that “trigger” that would launch me into Depression, I also searched for the conditions that would lift me out of that condition.

This takes a great deal of self-discipline to firstly study both conditions and secondly establish the paths through a bout. Remember my reference to the Alligator / Swamp story.

Doing this on your own is not recommended but here is what I did and the result is that I am reasonably out of Depression more than I am in these days:

  1. When that “twinkle” of low mood starts, have a list of things you can do that will distract you like:
    1. Reading an interesting book
    2. Doing Suduku
    3. Taking a walk
    4. Singing
    5. If you have a hobby, get to it right away
    6. Phone a friend that is positive (talking to someone with problems of their own is not advisable)
    7. Visit someone positive
    8. Take your thoughts to a pleasant previous event
    9. Make yourself a treat (this needs control because soon you will be wearing those treats)
    10. Do everything in your power to distract yourself
    11. If you are in a negative environment, get yourself quickly away from there. This is usually the situation when some is “unloading” their troubles to you. When suffering from bouts of Depression, refrain from these associations as much as possible.
    12. I have a very positive and close relationship with my great family of four, my ten grandchildren and all their partners. We get together often and I find this very positive.
    13. I even sing Russian hymns to my two great grandsons and we have a mutual appreciation
  2. The more diversions that you can place on your list, the better chance the mood swing can be averted
  3. When in a full-fledged low mood, it is more difficult to work your way out of it as the “mood” takes over entirely. Being alone at this time should be avoided as much as possible. Try attracting yourself to one of the “diversions”
  4. If all else fails and you find that trying to “heal” yourself is too difficult, professional help is available and go there

It has taken me almost two years to bring myself out of Depression. My family suffered greatly as did my friends.

Writing this personal blog, has also helped me a great deal.

God bless all of you who may be assisted with my blog.

Written: 0830 hours, Friday, April 15, 2016 from my Office at 145 – 4200 Grandview Drive, Castlegar, B.C. Elmer Verigin