As I mediated for a short time the other day, I thought about large colonies who find that they can live peacefully side by side without aggression. Yes I was thinking about Ants and the Bees.

Most young people and later as the age, are fascinated by these tiny inhabitants of this planet Earth and can watch them do their thing:

  • Always busy
  • Always working
  • Building their nests or hills
  • There does not seem any conflict
  • They respect each others territory
  • No audible complaining
  • Never getting in each other’s way

I have not witnessed them in a struggle for food nor a need to chase other colonies and take over.

We have all seen an Ant Worker, carrying food that would be the equivalent to me carrying a hundred (100) pound sack of potatoes. As I have watched, I noticed that that effort is always toward the Hill to be shared by all. I stop and let my mind wander:

  1. Unconditional dedication to a job
  2. No union benefits
  3. No work stoppages for trade jurisdiction
  4. No apparent concern for seniors care in retirement
  5. No pollution
  6. No meetings

How does their understanding along with their natural instincts permit them to achieve what we humans cannot?

Is there a message here?

What am I missing as I am not an Entomologist?

Elmer Verigin, looking out my window at the Columbia River and the mountains to the East and beyond

Saturday, June 11, 2016.