We are all here at another AGM and blessed with your presence. Some of those who attended our dedication ceremony in July of 1999 are with us in spirit but left to us in body, to carry out the message that JJ Verigin gave at that occasion at Whatshan Lake Retreat:

“The Society dedicates this project on behalf of the 7,400 Doukhobors, who were able to migrate to Canada in 1899, to all the peoples in Canada, in appreciation for that gesture of goodwill.”

For eighteen (18) years, we have successfully improved and operated this 204 acre site that started with the Retreat Building and now boasts:

  1. Eight (8) cabins of which three (3) are equipped with kitchens
  2. Over seventy-four (74) campsites equipped with power and water
  3. Over ninety-one (91) RV spots with access to water
  4. Over twelve (12) tenting sites
  5. A services building that has showers, washrooms, kitchen and patio that services those campsites
  6. An acoustically designed stage together with performance area
  7. A fire suppression system equipped with a 40,000 gallon water reservoir, fire pumps equipped with four (4) fire hydrants and an emergency electric generator that will service this system

We are currently completing:

  1. A Volunteer Services Building that will be equipped with:
    1. Washrooms
    2. Showers
    3. Dressing Room and Bauna
    4. Kitchen
    5. Two patios
    6. RV Sani-dump
    7. Landscaped private area
  2. A large wood shed that will protect twelve (12) cords of wood that is being salvaged from the thinning of “dangerous” trees.

What is amazing that all this has been achieved within our means, be it:

  • Donations of labor, material and equipment
  • Grants
  • Donations

At this time the Society has no mortgages nor loans from any financial institution. It has been the policy of the Directors, thus far, to remain independent of such commitments.

The Society has operated with a balanced budget this past year and is planning to do the same this year. The most difficult challenge is to provide Care-taking over the winter months. Absentee Care-taking balances the budget but becomes an issue when the Rental Coordinator is three (3) hours off site. With sacrifices, this has been achieved for two (2) winters but a change appears possible for the winter of 2017-18.

We have now experienced four (4) different Care-Takers since 1999 and it has been difficult to attract responsible people. We are confident that the current people will meet the expectations of the Management Committee for a continuum. Let us work with them to that objective.

With reference to the relationship of Care-Takers and the Directors, let us ensure that instructions pass from Rental Coordinator directly to Care-Taker. If you as a Society Member and / or Director have an observation or a suggestion, the route is to the Rental Coordinator. If it is a policy issue, the RC will refer back to the Management Committee who may in turn need a Director’s opinion. Let us understand that all policies emanate from the membership and are usually passed at a General Meeting. So asking the Care-Takers to look after your RV and / or bring you ice, is not a recommended action as that is beyond their job description.

The CEO will outline plans for a substantial change to the earning capability of the Whatshan Lake Retreat with the possibility of marketing our water. Establishing an independent and fundamental source of income for the DHRS #1999 needs to be the Society policy going forth. Relying on grants and donations is not the recommended method in these times of government policy changes and economy.

Once a definitive Society income is known, then policies can be generated as to where the Society can contribute to continue its social and benevolent purpose. This again, becomes a function of an informed membership to the Directorship.

We have reached a time in our existence when many founding Directors have left us in body and those that remain are in need of retirement and in the process of doing so. The recent Directors and those who are “coming on board”, will guide the Society into the future. There has been some very exciting professionals who are suggesting projects for consideration that are on the “leading edge” of medical technology. I foresee where the DHRS #1999 will become the “incubator” that will establish these ideas into substantial contributions to the health of the public.

Each Director needs to understand that serving for the Society is more like the Rotary Club policy of “Service Above Self”. Your reward is achievements in social movements. Personal monetary benefits and privileges are not expected. You have stewardship of a project that was created by people who had a cause and were able to fulfil that dream. It is your responsibility to improve this and pass it along to others.

There must always be a Whatshan Lake Retreat for eternity!

Elmer Verigin
