This a personal experience that I thought I could share with my Readers as there just may be parts of my story that may benefit some of you.

It all started with a discovery of blood in my urine. Should that happen to you, do not ignore that and pass it off as coincidental. Your body is providing you with a warning that something may be amiss.

I made an appointment with my family doctor and he took this very seriously as this may be an indication of Cancer somewhere in the urinary tract.

So he prescribed the following tests with results noted:

  1. Blood work (no indication that I am aware)
  2. Ultra Sound (something “inordinary” within the bladder)
  3. Visual inspection within the urinary tract (a tumour was discovered that appeared cancerous) on July 24, 2017.

Dr Livingstone immediately expedited the following:

  • Extensive and directed blood work August 14, 2017.
  • CT Scan August 16, 2017.
  • Operating Room reservation at the Trail Hospital August 21, 2017.

That was a professional achievement to provide that scheduling in our health system as we experience it.

As it all unfolded, somehow my granddaughter’s wedding on August 19, 2017 at Whatshan was spared enjoyed by Marilyn and I and fitted well into the above schedule.

A “small” tumour was surgically removed in five (5) minutes. The tumor was confirmed cancerous and a biopsy is taking place to determine the type of cancer and what may be require further treatment. I will know better on September 12, 2017, when I meet with Dr. Livingstone.

It was discovered that I have two (2) “tiny” stones developing in one of my kidneys. Dr Livingstone prescribed two (2) litres of water intake a day and they will pass the stones through the urinary tract on their own. The alternative is to wait until they develop and they could block the urinary tract causing excruciating pain on their way through.

I guess I will drink the water!

It seems I heard about water intake before:

  1. In grade four Health classes, it was recommended that everyone drink 8 glasses of water a day which I rejected
  2. My doctor recommended that I drink 8 glasses of water to control gout. He suggested that my Chemical Engineering training would confirm that the crystals in Uric Acid can be easily dissolved by water and that medications would not be necessary. Well I was not drinking water and so prescribed medication was the result. What did he know about Chemistry?
  3. My son graduated from Human Kinetics and suggested that if my urine showed color that I was not drinking enough water. I guess I liked color and continued my aversion to water.
  4. I was having constipation and again my son suggested drinking more water. Stool softening enhancements were easier to take than water.
  5. Now Dr Livingstone is suggesting this remedy…………………
  6. What next?

Guess what, I am finally drinking water and my gout and constipation is gone and perhaps my stones will disappear.

My Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist suggested that the nagging pain in my calves and thighs would go away after removal of my bladder tumour. He was absolutely correct! Where do all these people obtain this knowledge?

Wow, what a fringe benefit!

No one ever tells Elmer what to do and they just did!

I am listening………

Posted August 24, 2017 at 0930 hours

Notations September 11, 2017 at 1315 hours. I will use this post as my blog to note my treatment progress. If this helps someone who has yet to be diagnosed or may have people close to them who may be suffering, that is my intent with these notes.

So my visit with Dr. Livingstone on September 05, 2017 went like this:

  1. The sample is positive with cancer
  2. The removed tumour was in the early stages of cancer
  3. The location was on the inside of the bladder lining and was successfully removed
  4. The treatment now is to ensure that no cancer cells are allowed to penetrate that inner lining and enter the muscle area beyond
  5. Such a penetration would allow the cancer cells to readily attack that layer and quickly make the bladder a victim of cancer
  6. With that taking place the only solution is remove the bladder and utilize an outer “bag”

So the treatment is like this:

  1. Every Monday, which started today, go to the Oncology Department at the Trail Hospital and take a treatment:
    1. Insert a catheter
    2. Drain the urine
    3. Insert BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) OncoTICE(R), IMMUCYST(R). It is essentially a virus that feeds on cancer cells
    4. Catheter is removed
    5. I lie on my stomach for 15 minutes
    6. I roll over to my right side for 15 minutes
    7. Then my left side for 15 minutes
    8. I finally lie on my back for 15 minutes
    9. This is to ensure that the chemical thoroughly is distributed about my bladder
    10. I go home
    11. I urinate at 2 hours after the chemical has been inserted
    12. It is a dangerous chemical and I need to ensure that I flush 2 times
    13. I need to wash my hands and private parts for 6 hours after I get home
    14. Drink 2 litres of water every day to flush the stuff through
  2. Sounds simple, right?
  3. Well I need to repeat this for 6 times after which Dr Livingstone has a look
  4. There may be changes after that
  5. If all stays on course then this process continues for a total of 27 times
  6. The prognosis is that 85% of those treated are able to become Survivors

So that is where I am today. I can eat whatever I want and at this time I feel good and my intention is to cooperate and beat this thing

Posted at 1335 hours by Elmer

Chemo Treatment #2 this morning and I find out more facts about my treatment:

  1. The Chemo mixture is prepared in the Hospital Lab about 15 minutes after I arrive at 0800 hours
  2. It is a very potent mixture of viruses that have an appetite for cancer cells and must be activated just before insertion into my bladder
  3. The nurse ears protective clothing and a mask
  4. Insertion is via a catheter which firstly empties my bladder and then inserts the mixture
  5. The process is absolutely painless and relatively no discomfort
  6. My joke to the nurse was “there is nothing romantic about this is there?”
  7. Their response “strictly professional”
  8. Although, I drank no coffee this morning and cut back on liquids, the most difficult part of the process is holding back for the hour that I arrive home. The bladder wants to release and again I was unable to “hold” for the recommended total of 2 hours

So I need another four treatments before Dr Livingstone makes his inspection and will report signs of any new tumour forming which may require removal.

Stay tuned….

Posted 1200 noon, Monday, September 18, 2017 by Elmer

Treatment #3 September 25, 2017

All as before except that I prepared myself better:

  • No coffee the night before or breakfast in the morning
  • No water drinking the night before nor morning

I was able to keep th medication in me for 2 hours. Success!

I also took a brochure on Cancer and from I have read I have the initial type for which my treatment is correct. I will stay with the program and see what Dr. Livingstone finds after Treatment #6 and we can go from there.

I am not surprised that the Doctor has not commented on the Nathurepatic recommendations, so I will wait until I see him

Reported 1350 hours September 25, 2017 by EWV

I completed Treatment #6 on October 16, 2017. The Nurse tells me that all my reports will now go to Dr Livingstone. He will contact me when an follow up inspection may be required. Otherwise the Hospital will contact me when I start my next sequence of treatments in three (3) months.

So I wait…………

Posted October 18, 2017.

I completed my Inspection Procedure on January 10, 2018 at the Trail Hospital by Dr. Livingstone.

  1. No evidence of any new cancer growth!
  2. He took a biopsy sample
  3. He spoke with me after that:
    1. I will take another 3 Chemo Treatments ASA the Hospital can schedule same
    2. He will get results on the biopsy which should be good in his opinion
    3. His office will call for a follow up appointment
  4. After the 3 treatments, I will need another inspection
  5. Should the results be the same as this last one, I will need to comeback every 6 months for 5 years
  6. With no evidence of Cancer at that time, I will be “Cancer-Free”

There are reasons to be excited and full of hope.

Thank you medical science and all the staff at the Trail Hospital.

Thank you for such a supportive family and their direction to have a positive attitude.

Posted by Elmer Verigin January 11, 2018 0930 hours

January 16, 2018

Treatment #7 was essentially routine.

I stopped all liquids at 9:00 the night before and did not have breakfast. This provides the ability to retain the Tubercolosis ‘cocktail’ that they inject to into the bladder to counteract any Cancer cells. The objective is to retain for a total of two hours from the time of entry. I did it!

After it is a lot of water and yes, a bunch of peeing!

Okay for now!

Posted 1520 hours, January 16, 2018

Treatment #8

Much the same as Treatment #7 but a considerable amount more pain when peeing. The need for a Pee was about every 15 minutes until about 3:00 A.M.

Treatment #9 dated January 30, 2018

The Treatment was routine but the process of getting up to pee every 5 minutes became a real challenge. When I would get some sleep, I had visions of pockets of pee in all nooks and crannies of my body which I had to get eliminate.

It was very trying! I was essentially knocked back all the next day and week the third day. It is Friday, February 02, 2018 and I finally went for a 2 km walk.

I had a call from Dr Livingstone yesterday to report that the biopsy he had taken indicated some cancerous cells. He did not want anymore treatments for now but would schedule another Inspection in April 2018 and determine what else may be required.

I need to consider that the biopsy was before the last 3 treatments and so he did not seem concerned.

We will just have to have a positive attitude in the interim and see what happens in April.

Posted 1700 hours, Friday, February 03, 2018 by Elmer Verigin

I just returned from the Trail Hospital where Dr Livingstone conducted an inspection on my bladder as part of the six (5) month periodic inspection for the next five (5) years.

He advised me that he could not see any visage signs of Cancer but took a sample to send away for analysis. He will advise me in fourteen (14) days as to the results. Should there be any then a series of Chemo Treatments will be prescribed.

Of course, I was very elated with results as is my family. We are collectively thankful for the prayers and all that all people have made in this regard. We never know for sure what works in instances like this but we do know that prayer is a significant part of that process.

Posted April 11, 2018 1810 hours by Elmer Verigin

April 26, 2018

Dr. Livingstone called me to advise that the biopsy should no evidence of Cancer cells. Very good news indeed!

He advised that I would need three (3) treatments every six (6) months followed by another inspection. This will repeated until I have had 27 treatments. They wantr to make sure the Cancer does not return.

I have since had treatment #10 yesterday, May 09, 2018, followed by May 16 and then May 23, 2018.

There is a stressful time till I pee out the TB Virus at 2 hours. The urge to pee continues almost incessantly until the early hours of the following night. Uncomfortable but the options are not too acceptable

Posted May 10, 2018 at 1310 hours

Treatment #11 was as usual for the exception that about 8:00 P.M., I noticed my right testicle was enlarged and painful to the touch. Later, there was pain in my lower abdomen. I lost my instructions that I had received before Treatment #1 (bad habit) and so I looked it all up on the internet. Just as I remembered, the instructions are very clear. If there any side effects or undue discomfort; seek medical attention immediately.

Castlegar Emergency Clinic closes a 8:00 P.M., and so I went to Trail and got here about 1000 thanks to Lawrence Popoff as Marilyn does not drive and my children could not be reached. There were a few drug overdoses that took priority and I waited till midnight. By this time daughter Lori spared off Lawrence and we played Crib.

The attending Doctor could not recognize the symptoms but took an ultrasound. His diagnosis was no active infection and suggested that I take no treatmentas it did not appear to be getting worse. He would send in a memo to Dr Livingstone and let him handle it in the morning. I was thus dismissed.

By morning the situation normalized but I did not hear from Dr Livingstone by 1000 hours that morning and my instructions was to call him as a follow up. The Receptionist said that he would call and right up to the night before Treatment #12, I had no call.

I arrived at the Oncology department for Treatment #12 and reported to the Nurses my experience with Treatment #11. They shrugged their shoulders and admitted that they never heard that story before and directed me to my favorite bed.

Treatment #12 went ahead as usual. I did have a brief encounter with the same situation with my right testicle but not as severe.

I am up and about this morning after!

Life as usual1

Posted May 24, 2018 at 0940 hours by Elmer Verigin

It was a few days later that I noticed what appeared to be a visible surface infection on my right testicle. Alarmed, I called Dr Livingstone’s office and the Receptionist directed me to go to the Castlegar Hospital Emegency.

After a four hour wait, the attending Doctor diagnosed an “Absyss” which he immediately treated by draining and directing me to soak myself in a tub with Epsom Salts, three (3) times daily. I was to continue this until the swelling and internal lump subsided.

There was some drainage during the soakings.

I discussed this with my family doctor Ackenbauer and his comment was the same a the attending Emergency Doctor that this had nothing to do with my bladder cancer treatment. That “Absyesses” occur and their sources are difficult to determine.

Finally I stopped these soakings November 05, 2018 when there was no sign of a testicle enlargement nor internal lump.

My regular six (6) bladder inspection came about November 08, 2018 and it was the last by Dr. Livingstone as he was retiring. This inspection was conducted at the Trail Hospital with local anesthetic.

I watched on the screen as the probe entered my bladder. Dr. Livingstone commented and directed my attention to the appearance of a tumour growth on the inside of the bladder. His diagnosis was that it required removal and that it should take place within two (2) weeks by his replacement. I would receive direction from the Trail Hospital of exact time and other directions.

Dr Livingstone did not seem concerned as this does occur and will happen in some cases. This is why the treatment process continues every six (6) months with three (3) injections of the TB virus so that a total of 27 treatments take place. Once surgery takes place we will know if there is any malignancy.

I am taking a appositive attitude to this event and I will quote the exchange of texts with my family

“…..Seeing as this contacts all of you I will let you know that the Tumour growth has come back in the bladder

The hospital will schedule that removal process that was done 1 1/2 years ago

It will be tested if malignant and we carry on with treatments

I have complete 12 treatments and I need a total of 27

From what Livingstone tells me this not unusual and that is why the treatment process is for 5 years

He did the finger trick on my rear end and informed me that the prostate is fine……”

“….from my son Kim Verigin….Sent from my iPhoneGramps: As Wayne Gretzky says you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take so take the shot and you have a much better chance than not. Translation: All will be good if you think it can be. All positive

“……..from my daughter Tamara…Sorry to hear Dad but sounds like dr Livingston is most optimistic. We also have a lot of love, positive energy and prayer in our family to help you heal

Sent from my iPhonee thoughts from here on in!…..”

There were other messages of support from my family which were just as important and supporting as the above. Thank you all!

Posted by EWV at 0930 hours, November 09, 2018

Update January 05, 2019

Transurethral Procedure January 04, 2019 by Dr Robinson at the Trail Hospital

Here is the writeup on the Procedure

the procedure was much more intense than my first one. I was able to go home with no catether but I suffered all night with the urge to urinate. Now at 1240, I am finally in control.

The sample was sent to the IHA Lab to analysis. Once known, follow up treatment will continue. Dr Robinson diagnoses definite Cancerous but not known as to aggressive nature.

We will keep a positive attitude going forward.

Posted 1445 hours Saturday, January 05, 2019