Today is Sunday, September 22, 2019

It has ben a fair amount of time since I actually felt like writing about how I feel which was the original intent, in part, of the fundamental reason for this blog. Today, I will try and formulate my thoughts albeit they may be wandering on various subjects.

If I admitted that I feel almost normal (if I actually know what that means), I would be close to the truth as I am having positive feelings today. The negative crap is set aside for healthy thoughts. The fact that I do not have the Suction pump (Andrea as I called it) to assist the healing of my large infection cavity, helps a lot. I now do not feel handicapped nor conspicuous with all that appendage. It suggests the natural feelings of handicapped people that those who are not, cannot understand. The experience has had a positive influence on me and I appreciate that. It makes one more sensitive to others.

There seems o be a heavy discussion on Climate Change in the World at this time. This is good when people start to realize that we affect our surroundings to the point where we endanger the lives of the future beings including our families. Waking up to that understanding is akin to opening our eyes and seeing our surroundings for the first time and reading all the “sign posts” carefully instead of blindly rushing to the finish line which most of us have not properly identified like myself.

I am looking forward to meeting all the Donors and Volunteers to the development of Whatshan Lake Retreat this October 04, 2019. It will be very satisfying to see everyone that can make it to the event. There are too many who cannot physically make it in body but will attend in spirit, I am sure!

I am trying hard to determine what it is that I wish to do now that my body has been permitted a second chance at contributing to life on this World. I remember well when Dr Robinson gave his opinion on my struggle with Bladder Cancer…”you have about one (1) year to live unless we approach the disease with radical treatment (Cystectomy) which resulted in my successful treatment (at least to this juncture since). I did not realize that the two year struggle with the disease had affected my body and body as much as it did. I can now start planning things with some continuity that I will be around a bit longer.

I am ready to make plans.

One such plan involves Climate Change and the struggle to do something about the increasing Carbon.

I am influenced after Reading Terra Preta (black earth) and the discovery of an ancient process (2,500 years or more) that converted Carbon directly into the soil with the result that it became more fertile and now, after this time, still can make a significant difference to plant growth.

So why not incorporate a major cleanup of fallen and decaying trees into the creation of Terra Preta to harness Carbon to do a positive action to reversing Climate Change and provide a fertilizing facilitator for plant growth and production of food. It has a double action, plants grow which produce Oxygen and the Carbon is reduced from the atmosphere.

The production of Terra Preta is not complicated and at this time I am researching the best methods that can be incorporated at Whatshan. Since we have 204 acres of a Research Laboratory at Whatshan, all I need to do is convince my associates and family that it is a positive way we can contribute to w World problem rather than talk about it that it is someone else’s problem.

Yes we can do it!

I am sure this is not the last time that I will write about it in my blog. I did before as a book review of a book by the name Terra Preta and can be found in my blog.

Elmer September 22, 2019