At 0905 hours, Tuesday, December 01, 2020, I drove Marilyn to the Trail Hospital where her long-awaited elective surgery was to take place with Dr. Cook.

There was a great deal of anxiety on the part of the patient with all the various descriptions and after effects of such surgery that she had heard from her friends and people who have had that surgery.

The condition is usually the result of Asthma and related conditions and surgery will relieve the condition by removing the blockages caused by the Polyps but is not a cure. The condition was seriously affecting her hearing, speech and continual nose draining which was not acceptable. So Marilyn agreed to the procedure and the wait was about 18 months. She sacrificed here previous appointment in March of 2019 as my Cystectomy operation was more serious at that time and we could not be both compromised, healthwise, at the same time.

So she opted to let me go first for act which I really appreciate.

With the Covid situation, I was not permitted to wait in the hospital and at 1400 hours, I was called to bring her home.

Marilyn was still oozing blood that was being eased by gauze in her nostrils but otherwise was quite positive as I drove her home.

Our daughter Lori prepared some Varenekee which she enjoyed for dinner yesterday (I was allowed to have the potato filled variety as she prefers the cottage cheese). Thank you Lori.

This morning, she is much better and the oozing has reduced substantially. She is now preparing to start the nasal rinse procedure which she will need to do twice a day. This part of the recovery was what Marilyn dreaded the most but unfortunately there is no other way to keep her nasal area healthy.

I need to thank Dr. Cook and the Medical staff at the Trail Hospital as her visit with you was very enjoyable. She appreciated all the TLC to which she was the recipient.

Thank God for TC Douglas that brought us universal healthcare as I am not sure how we would survive without it.

We look forward to a healthy Marilyn in the years to come.

Posted by EWV 0910 hours Wednesday, December 02, 2020