From what I am told,  the first major demonstration against guns was the 1895 Burning of Arms in Georgia (part of Russia at that time). So many took their guns and piled them on that rocky plain at the Perscheeree to note their objection to wars and the effect that any type of gun has upon the death and destruction of all humanity.

This action was misinterpreted as a possible uprising by the local authorities and a troop of Cossacks was dispatched to investigate. They found a group of people singing psalms around this large fire. The irritation to the attending Government Official was that none of the men removed their headwear in respect to this representative of the Czar.

And so about a 100 people were incarcerated in Irkurst for an initial time of 15 years which was reduced later to 10. My Great Grandfather and Great Uncle Morozoffs were part of these prisoners.

The American Youth are sending a resounding message to the Lawmakers to “take the guns away as we do not want to be the sacrificial lambs anymore!”

I wonder if the actual gun is the problem or is it the way we mange our social media. Since time began, the weakest chick gets “pecked” by the others until it dies. The runt in the pig’s litter gets eaten. There are other examples of the manner in which nature seems to deal with this. How many of you have been taunted or teased by others because you were different or that you disagreed with the majority?

So it seems that the common denominator  of the person who perpetrate against others is usually someone who felt they needed to “get even”. Once, the media sends out their news reels and reporters interview people, the event becomes national news and gets attention. The name of the shooter is broadcast and goes into infamy. Could this be the action, that also attracts the method to a person’s madness?

All news of terrible happenings seems to attract and so that is why the media rushes to those events because we “hunger” for this type of news. Someone providing food and medicines for the hungry just does not match up with stories of murder, rape and pillage.

So perhaps we need to work on our social morals and how we can live peacefully amongst our neighbors?

122 years have passed since our Doukhobor ancestors dared to send a message to the world. How many of the descendants even know that it took place? Did it really have any effect on the world? There is more steel used in guns than plowshares today so the message was lost in the delivery.

Will the Lawmakers listen to their children in the USA. Perhaps the entire process is a better class for the students than any taught within a classroom….”go out there and tell everyone that you are not accepting non-action! That you intend to send your message through the ballot box.”

Are they listening?

Posted 1100 hours, Saturday, March 24, 2018 by Elmer Verigin