“Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas. Walter Disney also went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland….”

Thomas Edison’s teachers said he was too stupid to learn anything….”

“Leo Tolstoy, author of War and Peace, flunked out of college. He was described as “both unstable and unwilling to learn”….”

“Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he finally succeeded….”

“Babe Ruth, considered by sports historians to be the greatest athlete of all time and famous for setting the home run record, also holds the record for strikeouts….”

“Winston Churchill failed sixth grade. He did not become Prime Minister of England until he was 62, and then only after a lifetime of defeats and setbacks. His greatest contributions came when he was a “senior citizen”…”

I looked over my dossier again and decided that I have done quite well considering.

I also read something else that was really thought provoking……….

This teacher had her class make a list of all the actions her students could complete the sentence that started with:

“…I can’t….

After a set period of time she collected all the papers into a shoe box and the  entire class then went out to the further part of the school yard.

The each contributed to digging a three (3) foot deep hole and then the carefully lowered the shoe box into the hole.

They then recited various rites as if a funeral was taking place and then they all contributed to the burial.

They returned to the class and consumed cookies and pop as if exercising a “wake”.

The Teacher then drew an outline of a tombstone and in heavy font wrote:



From that time forward, every time that a student said that he or she can’t, she referred to the tombstone and said “I can’t is buried and does no exist but he next of kin “I can” has received all the assets.


Thank you Marilyn for leaving this book on the vanity in my bathroom. I am making use of my “down time”.

Posted Sunday, March 18, 2018 by EWV.